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Therapy in the Wild: An illustrated anthology of nature poems by therapists and clients


The 23 poets who have contributed to this anthology are either therapists or people who have sought therapy. Sometimes both. Through documenting personal interactions with nature these poems explore a wide range of feelings and emotions, from joy to intense grief. The poems cover the deeply personal as well as prompting us to contemplate our place in the world. Nature affects us and we affect nature. Poetry can be enjoyed by anyone and does not require you to be an expert writer. We hope that this collection will inspire you to go out into nature and write your own poetry. Enjoy!

Our cover illustration is by Ross Symons. Ross says: "The picture I created for the front cover of Therapy in the Wild shows that we all have a place within nature and the outdoors. It portrays all our wonderful local wildlife and birds waiting to welcome you, the reader, to take a seat and be serenaded by beautiful birdsong and entertained by cheeky squirrels. I have been fortunate to have come through my dark times, and I continue to appreciate the living world around me. "


Our interior illustrations are by Colin Michael Gersch. Colin says: "My fascination and love of nature comes from my earliest childhood memories. Sitting by a spillway of an irrigation channel, legs dangling in the water, captivated by the willow tree roots that formed the bank; yabbies, dragonflies and later, the leeches firmly stuck to my legs, all initiated my empathy with the natural world."

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